About Me

A little more about me...

My husband, Jonathan, and I have been married for over 5 years. Our first 2 years of marriage we lived in La Paz, Bolivia where my photography journey began. We were working in Bolivia at a Christian school where I served as Guidance Counselor and the school photographer. I began to discover how much I love capturing special moments on camera. Once we moved back to Texas and had our son, Samuel, (Isn't he so stinkin cute?) I wasn't bold enough to pursue photography. Now, a few years later, I took the plunge into the photography world and I am loving every minute of it. I never knew I could love a job so much! I look forward to seeing where this journey takes me in the future and what this journey looks like now that we are expecting our second son in April of 2022. Should be fun...

**Below is a picture of La Paz, Bolivia.